“Bob’s Rock” Release Announcement and Events

Special announcement! The official publication date for our latest book, “Bob’s Rock”, is tomorrow, August 1st 2017. Please visit your local book store to purchase your copy. Also available at online retailers.

“The controlled vocabulary and repetition make this picture book a good segue for fledgling readers.” —Kirkus Reviews

And if you are around Bar Harbor, Maine, stop by and see us at 10:30am on Thursday August 3rd for an event at the historic Jesup Memorial Library.  We will also be at Sherman’s Bookstore in Bar Harbor the same day and available to sign books.

Happy reading!

Maine Literary Awards

The Maine Literary Awards is an annual competition sponsored and coordinated by the Maine Writers & Publishers Alliance. Goodnight Bob is a finalist in the “Book Award for Children” category!


Congratulations to all the finalists! The award ceremony is taking place on Thursday June 1st at SPACE Gallery in Portland @ 7pm.

Behind the scenes of “Too Many Frogs”

Drawing a frog is harder than you would think. They’re all folded legs and arms and googly eyes.

But drawing millions of frogs turned out to be fun.

Sketches of all the characters are drawn until they seem just right.

Each illustration is drawn over and over. Whoever invented erasers was on to something.

Nana Quimby and I spent a lot of time in her kitchen. She baked a cake. I painted frogs.

Have you ever been told that pickles are made from frogs? They are not.