Special announcement! The official publication date for our latest book, “Bob’s Rock”, is tomorrow, August 1st 2017. Please visit your local book store to purchase your copy. Also available at online retailers.

“The controlled vocabulary and repetition make this picture book a good segue for fledgling readers.” —Kirkus Reviews
And if you are around Bar Harbor, Maine, stop by and see us at 10:30am on Thursday August 3rd for an event at the historic Jesup Memorial Library. We will also be at Sherman’s Bookstore in Bar Harbor the same day and available to sign books.
Happy reading!
Tags: announcement, Bar Harbor Maine, Bob's Rock, Childrens books, Hassett Books, illustration, Jesup Library, John and Ann Hassett, Maine writers and illustrators, publication announcement, young readers
Celebrate the end of daylight savings time by reading Goodnight Bob!
Congratulations to the following Goodnight Bob winners!:
* Aleta Harrell and the Title I program at Rumford Elementary School
* Nicole McLellan and grade two at the Cushing School. Nicole also received a copy of Charles of the Wild for her second graders.
* Jim Bickford of South Portland and his granddaughter Maddie.
Who’ll be next?
Our fans start reading young. Pictured here is M.J. who is meeting her new literary pal, Ben. Ben will be a steady and lifelong friend to M.J. through the power of reading. Thank you, Ben and thank you M.J.!

A young fan reads “Too Many Frogs” while waiting for his food to arrive at Deb’s Diner in Waldoboro, Maine.

Tags: "i like to read" series, Ann Hassett, Chuck Nguyen, Deb's Diner, diners, Hassett Books, holiday house, John Hassett, Too Many Frogs, Waldoboro Maine, young readers